So I have a little problem. A
KATE SPADE problem.
Here it is, late at night,
on the eve of a little impromptu VA-CA I am taking with baby tomorrow to see
the in-laws in Arizona, and I am overwhelmed by things to do. Pack for both of
us, but first I have to do the laundry so that we both have clean clothes to
pack, make sure I bring enough blankets, onesies, and extra socks (Lord knows
we will lose a few.) Pull together an outfit for myself that will be
comfortable, functional, and easy to get around in. And that will camouflage
the spit up, drool, and possible pee/poop that is bound to get on me, all while
keeping my butt crack covered. (Which, is likely to make an appearance at some
point, probably in the security check line.) Then I need to do the dishes
(can't leave 1/2 full milk bottles in the sink...again) shower (which is going
to take a while since I should probably consider shaving my legs since they are
going to see the sun and a swimming pool for the first time in a while) clean
the front room, balance the checking account, clip the baby’s nails while he is
asleep, clip my nails
and maybe even swipe some polish...never mind,
find baby’s birth certificate and print out itineraries and security documents
for the airport.
I am literally in the middle of all of this when I check my email to see if
there is any important business to attend to before I leave for the weekend,
and low and behold there is.
NEW ARRIVALS AT KATE SPADE. Not that I will be making any purchases, or even
be visiting a Kate Spade store any time soon, but just knowing there are new
arrivals to see at the click of my mouse is too much to bare. It's like getting
a love letter from a long lost boyfriend you haven’t heard from in years. I
must open the email. I must see the colorful new babies on the screen. It’s
like therapy. I am inspired. Suddenly, my "to do" list melts away and
I don't have a care in the world.
The world can wait for Kate.
I'll take one of each, please.
Wish me luck on my travels with an infant...