OK...I am not one for getting super sappy and personal. At least not on the Internet. But, right now, it's happening.
I don't know why I have been so blessed with a group of friends that have stayed so close for so many years. Some of these girls I went to elementary school with, some Jr. high, and the rest high school. People are always surprised when I tell them my best friends are the same friends I've had for 15 + years. I guess it's pretty rare, and I certainly don't take it for granted.
When we graduated from Olympus High School in Salt Lake City 12 years ago, we said we would take a trip when we all turned 30. Now...it's easy to say that when you are 18 and dumb and have no idea what the world is soon bringing your way. But... we did it! Between the 9 of us that made it to Newport Beach (not everyone could come, and we missed the girls who couldn't come like crazy!!) we left behind 8 husbands, 1 fiancé, and 19 kids! Just us...no strings attached.
I left Seattle for California early in the morning, and walked though the airport basically feeling naked because I wasn't pushing a stroller and carrying 2 huge bags!! Just me...and my purse, and my Starbucks, leisurely passing through the terminal. WHAT!? The flight out of Seattle on a clear day is beautiful, but I quickly fell asleep after take off. I'm talking, mouth-open-face-smashed-against-the-window-snoring-loudly-asleep.
Because I could.
If you ever get the chance to fly through the Long Beach Airport, I highly recommend it. It's the most charming airport I've ever seen.
The next 6 days consisted of laughing till we cried, crying till we laughed, so much good food, sand, salt, sea, poolside naps, more good food, staying up till 3 am just because we couldn't stop talking, and way to many bags of twizzlers.
There is nothing like your girlfriends. The kind that lift you up and support you when you crash. The kind that don't judge you for wearing the same sweat pants 4 days in a row. (I did that) The kind that have seen you at your worst, and still stick around because they know you'll get better. The kind that make you laugh till it hurts. The kind that cry with you because they feel your pain too. The kind whose trials remind you that yours are minimal. The kind who share their thoughts and beliefs for you to draw strength from. The kind who just let you be you, even when they "don't agree with that!!" The kind that share everything with you...and I mean everything.
Do you have those friends? Better yet. are YOU that friend?
This trip was a great reminder of the importance of being a good friend and being there for your girlfriends when they need someone. I hope I am that friend. Everyone should have those friends.
Whitney, Laura, Ali, Linden, Angela, Lara, Sheena, Lindsay
(and you girls who couldn't make it)
I simply adore you.
XOXO Bittany
ps...thanks for all your iPhone pics!! I don't know who to give credit to...but thanks!!