santa came a little early this year...for 2 reasons. 1. we were leaving early christmas morning, and there wouldn't be time to open presents and enjoy mile's first christmas experience. 2. i am really bad at waiting till christmas. i guess i will need to get better at that now that miles is here! haha!
when santa came, miles did't really understand what was happening...he just knew we kept squawking and cheering every time he plucked a bow off a box or waved tissue paper around. he might think we are idiots.
the dogs were a bit jealous of the new toys.
on christmas eve we had a nice eggnog french toast breakfast, opened presents, (ok that's a lie. we opened presents on the saturday before) and then drove bauer and lola out to the dog ranch in snohomish (north of seattle) that they go to when we leave town. it is about a 30 minute drive, but i love it. it is the most beautiful drive through mountains, rivers, lakes, and farm land. the dogs love it. love it. they freak out when we get there because they are so excited. (going to the ranch for a week was their christmas present)
then we walked through the new house (hoping to close next month) and spent the rest of the day packing and relaxing. take out thai food and fire.
the next morning we left with 17 million bags and baby items for california with my family. we met them there, in san clemente. it was so fun! and so nice to see the sun! miles was fascinated by the ocean and sand. he loved spending time with grandma and grandpa and his auntie and uncles.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
phamily photos
so, back in october we had our first official family photos taken.
that does it, i am a real mom. with real family photos. sometimes i still need a moment to digest this... and maybe a paper bag to breath into.
every now and then, some little thing like family photos, babiesRus coupons, and mysterious slimy crap on every single shirt i own, comes crashing in and brings a little reality check, that i really do have a baby. and life really has changed that much.
this weekend has been a major reality check. hahahaha...
ok, back to the family pictures... i had this whole vision of our family picture being taken out in the woods of beautiful washington. but, the thing seattle, it rains. it rains a lot. and the rainy season starts in october. (when we had our photos scheduled) so of course, the morning of our shoot, it was pouring, dark, and windy. these 3 elements do not make for good photos, especially with a 7 month old baby. so, luckily our photographer was able to make it work in her dining room! she had a good white wood back ground, and i think, all things considered, the pictures turned out alright!
did i mention that miles was totally grumpy the whole time and would hardly crack a smile? or that i was car sick and threw up? or that a stitch in the front of my dress popped open when i got out of the car so my boobs were falling out a little? it was a pretty magical afternoon... but the results aren't bad!
pham {pham}ily photos
Saturday, December 1, 2012
sweet november. it was a crazy month up here. brandon had to travel to alaska for work, and we literally had visitors all month. my sister, my dad, my brother and bradon's dad's family all came. it was so good to spend time with family.
miles was pretty worn out by the end of the month! he loves his aunties, uncles and grandparents though.
the visit from my sister tienna and thanksgiving require their own post.
gear up for a lot of photos...was what our november looked like...
lots of rainy walks...
and playtime with the doggies.
sometimes, b still brings home random flowers. i am a lucky girl.
giant spider web in the tree outside our balcony. not cool.
giant spider web in the tree outside our balcony. not cool.
miles loves chili...
and bath time.
i love leg warmers...
and scarves.
got some teeth! chewing on the spoon seems to be one of his favorite teething items.
found some treasures down town.
had a few hours of sun! (yes this is a big deal!)
went to the beach a lot...
and spent some time with grandpa.
got caught up with an old and dear friend.
was reminded of just how cool me and my brother are...
saw this wall, and it made me smile.
but nothing makes me smile as much as this guy.
and that was november.
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