a few months ago, well I guess more like 2 years ago, I started working on a little project. I had a really hard time leaving my store in Holladay, but at that time, there were more important things to attend to (enter baby and moving out of state etc)
anyway...I love small business too much to give it all up completely, so I started (slowly) dreaming and scheming up some new plans and ideas for an website. an online boutique shopping experience, accessible from your laptop. (a much more mom friendly way to trade)
the beginning of 2013 was mostly consumed by moving into our new house (which I still need to post about) but, things have settled in and life is becoming a little more under control so I have really been making progress on my online shoppe.
things are well on their way and magic is in the works!! thanks to a great team of web designers and an extremely supportive husband,
GYPSY THREADS will be launching sometime near the end of summer!! not giving out too many details just yet...but there will be more tid-bits to come!
so excited!! can't wait to share more! call me stella cause ive got ma groove back. xoxo


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