i know this is late...like...really late. but i've been busy!
i'm obsessed with MOONRISE KINGDOM. it's probably in my top 5 favorite movies of all time.
so this year for halloween, miles was "sam." (the toddler version)
i figured this is my time to dress him up how i want, since by next year he's probably going to want to be spider man or super why or something "big boyish" (sniff sniff) i think i at least get the baby years, right? last year's costume, GARDEN GNOME, is hard to beat. i love that one. but i was pretty happy about this one, and he even left the glasses on for trick or treating! haha! i am kind of addicted to hand making halloween costumes, so i guess i better learn how to sew a cape...because it's probably all super heroes from here...