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Sunday, December 29, 2013

merry christmas!

we headed to the phoenix desert for christmas this year! it's always nice to see the sun in the winter, as we don't see it much this time of year, in the northwest.

the week started out pretty rough… including a very sick mama who ended up in the ER the night we were supposed to leave, causing us to change flights and leave a day late. then, when i thought i was doing much better and hadn't thrown up for 24 hours, we boarded the plane, and then BOOM!! more barf!! (i have had some pretty bad luck involving planes and barf this year) turns out, i was not really better… and i spent most of the flight in the airplane bathroom. luckily, later that night, i was able to stop the barfing, and even better, sleep. by the next morning i was a new woman. i ate a burger, and thought i would cry of happiness that something actually tasted good, and stayed inside my body! TMI?

the rest of the week was so great. brandon's family is truly wonderful, and we always have to much fun together. christmas eve was especially fun. we spent the day in the sun at the park, and the evening playing games and wrapping presents.

christmas morning was a blast. watching the 2 toddlers open presents and get excited about new toys is too much fun. miles is in a flag/fan/balloon phase. he is obsessed with all flags, ceiling fans and balloons. like…he freaks out at the sight of all of the above. so, he just about jumped out of his skin when he received 2 flags from grandma and grandpa wightman for christmas. he was over the moon, and quickly forgot about every other gift. he didn't let them go for the rest of the trip!

miles and his cousin adelyn became very good friends on this trip. they are the funniest creatures i've ever known. we had a merry merry christmas, hope you did too!

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