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Monday, February 10, 2014

odds & ends // sunday snow

sometimes sunday mornings are the stuff dreams are made of. the kind of dreams where you eat pumpkin pancakes, and stay in your sweats all day. oh yeah...that's the stuff.

yesterday was one of those dream days. we woke up to and old, cold friend. i forgot that i actually do like snow. moderation. and on christmas. it definitely has it's charm, and it's been one of the things i miss about home. (the list is long lately)

it's pretty rare to see snow up here, especially snow that actually sticks around and is capable of being rolled into snowmen. the few times that i have seen snow flurries here, it has melted within hours and hasn't been more than and inch or two. so it was kind of a treat to wake up and see white instead of green. this is the most snow i've ever seen here, and the longest it's lasted.

 i miss the quiet that snow brings. when we went outside this morning, it was silent. i love that. was a great day. it was a little slice of home. it was perfect.

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