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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

happy mother's day

Holy smokes. This is the second mothers day that I have celebrated as a mother. Sometimes I still have these “holy crap!!” moments when I realize I have a baby. Actually…now I have a toddler. These last 15 months have been among the craziest times of my life. there has been little sleep, and lots of mess. Few date nights, lots of diapers. lots of smiles, lots of tears.  It has truly been a whirl wind.

There are toys and books on the floor, miss matched sippy cups in the cupboard, little socks between the sofa cushions, and something sticky on my shirt, the wall, the car etc…

Sometimes I get so caught up in getting through my “to do list” each day… feed him, bathe him, dress him, read books, play time, nap time, repeat twice, all while doing house work in between… I find myself going through motions of every day  and by the time I go to bed I don’t even know what happened. Like when you drive somewhere and you get there and you have no recollection of your driving.

But then there are the little happenings that totally wake me up, and I see everything so clearly. I see little brown eyes looking right at mine, little chubby fingers pointing at trees, I hear his little nose sniffing flowers, and I hear him yelling out in whatever language it is he currently speaks.  Little moments that to anyone else would seem insignificant, but to me, are earth shattering fantastic.

Last week, I was feeling particularly overwhelmed. I had a lot to get caught up on, and he was especially grumpy. I was a bit frazzled when he sat down on the floor, and with a very serious face, he examined his foot. He held it in his hand and took a good look. Then he reached over and grabbed his little green shoe, and tried so hard to put it on. I didn’t jump in and put it on for him, I just watched from across the room.  I suddenly realized that to him, every day is different and filled with new things. He learns constantly things that are subconscious to me. It was one of the sweetest moments I have shared with him, and he doesn’t even know we shared it. and I cried.

I am so lucky to be his mom.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

sometimes silly

just this...